Being happy

July 23, 2014
There are days when we are happy, other days when we are angry, sad and other days where it is a complicated mixture of any of them. I am one of the lucky ones who is happy most of the time but I am still not a perfect person. I do have my bad days too as well as complicated ones. I will describe a good way that works for most people to be more happy than angry or sad.

The way I do it is to not think of all the crap that happens in my life all the time. when something bad happens in my life, I deal with it as fast as I can. If you do not deal with a bad situation fast, it will keep you believing that you can't deal with it and make you scared to deal with it more and more as time goes on. Stress is not a big part of my life because I don't let stressful times stay a part of my life. For example, if you have been dumped by your lover, don't let the sadness and pain of your loss take over your life. I have seen friends and family members ho actually have let those bad parts of their lives ruin their whole lives almost. it is okay to be sad, hurt or angry sometimes but it is not good to keep the sadness or anger build up inside you over time. If you do let it build up inside you, the good inside you will eventually almost completely disappear and you will not be the same person you were before to the people who love you. get over the bad times and keep your head up high and find the good things that could possibly come to you.

A few things that can help you to either become or stay happy at least most of the time:

1 - be confident
2 - keep your head held high no matter what happens in your life.
3 - do good deeds
4 - hang out with good friends
5 - always tell the truth
6 - feel good about yourself
7 - do things that keep you happy
8 - go places you love that make you happy

Those are just a few of the things that anyone can do to keep being a happy person. I can also say from experience that having a wonderful girlfriend is one of the things that keeps me happy the most.

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A nasty winter

February 17, 2014
This was a nasty winter. Usually when weather forecasters or weather analysts predict a cold or snowy winter, most of the time it does not end up being half as bad as they predict. This year seems to be totally different. They predicted a nasty winter and it did happen with a big bang. It has been much colder than it has been here in northern ontario in the last 15 years or so and we had recieved a lot more snow than we have recieved in at least 10 years. But that is not as bad as what easter...
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